Environmental Impact

Our impact on the environment

The impact of the Safeguarding Adults Board on the environment in Islington is reviewed regularly. Environmental impacts include fuel use for vehicles visiting service users, carers and their family and other general office impacts such as paper and energy use by board members. The use of active travel such as walking/cycling or public transport is promoted. Where vehicle use is necessary, the use of electric vehicles is encouraged. Wherever possible we try to minimise the impact on the environment.  For example, wherever we can we avoid printing documents and send out electronic versions instead to reduce paper and energy use.  From time to time we hold ‘virtual’ meetings online to cut our travel impact.

Sometimes our work also highlights opportunities to reduce household environmental impacts. This may also include identifying heat vulnerability as Islington is known to suffer from extreme weather events. For example, we might refer adults at risk to the Seasonal Health Intervention Network (SHINE). SHINE gives energy saving advice to residents. Not only does this help reduce fuel poverty and improve the health and wellbeing of residents, it supports lifetime behaviour changes and help with energy efficiency that can reduce carbon emissions. 

For more information about SHINE, click here