Report Abuse
Worried about someone?
Everyone deserves to live a life free of abuse and neglect. If you are worried that you or someone you know is being abused or neglected and they are not in immediate danger, please contact our Access Service.
Even if you’re not sure whether abuse or neglect is taking place, you should still report your concerns to us. Don't ignore the problem, it will probably not go away on its own.
Getting help from social services
If you don't need immediate help from the police or are worried about calling them, then you can call social services.
It is important to remember that if you are being abused, it is not your fault. Don't worry about telling social services that you think you are (or someone you know is) being abused or neglected - it is important to get help.
If you want, you can ask someone else to contact social services on your behalf. Or you can report your concern anonymously, but please give as much information as possible so that we can follow it up.
To report a concern
Islington Council's Access Team (part of Adult Social Services)
Tel: 0207 527 2299 or submit an online safeguarding concern form
Out of hours: 0207 226 0992 after 5pm or at the weekend. Do not wait until the next working day. Calls at these times are dealt with by the Emergency Duty Team.
All calls are dealt with confidentially.
What happens next?
We will look into your concern and, where necessary, work with the person at risk to put a plan in place that helps keep them safe.
Getting help from the Police
Where the abuse is also a crime, such as assault, racial harassment, rape or theft, call the police on 999. You should always do this if you are worried that you or someone you know is in immediate danger.
- If you cannot make voice calls, you can contact the 999 emergency services by SMS text from your mobile phone. However, you will only be able to use this service if you have registered with emergencySMS first.
- In less urgent cases you can contact the police by calling 101 (the police non-emergency number)
- Visit your local police station - find it here
- Report online to the police
Other organisations that can help
Care Quality Commission for concerns about possible abuse or neglect in a residential, hospital or domiciliary care service call 03000 616161 or email
The National Whistleblowing Helpline provides free help and advice to people who witness or have cause to suspect wrongdoing at work but are not sure whether or how to report a concern call 08000 724725 or email
Hourglass (previously called Action on Elder Abuse) call their helpline 0808 808 8141
Age UK (Islington) (previously known as Age Concern and Help the Aged) call 020 7281 6018
Victim Support Islington is a charity offering free confidential information, practical help and emotional support to victims of crime call 0808 168 911 or email
Worried about a child or young person?
This page is about vulnerable people who are over 18. If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child or a young person, contact children's safeguarding immediately.
Our leaflets
We have a range of leaflets in different languages. The leaflet below explains how to report concerns about adult abuse and neglect.